by A. K. Hoagland
Architect: Donald M. Scott
Location: 308 Tamarack St., Laurium
Built: 1900
Demolished: 1940s

Ernest Bollman commissioned this house in Laurium. Bollman was a significant developer of Laurium, platting three additions to the north end of the village between 1894 and 1899. He was president of the State Savings Bank, served a term as village president, and built the Bollman Block in Laurium. After his death in 1905, his widow, Bertha, moved down the street to 241 Tamarack and her son-in-law, J. P. Petermann, lived in the house. Petermann owned a number of stores in the Copper Country.1
Located at the corner of Tamarack and Third, this large house, with a spacious third story under the roof and a raised basement, had walls of Portage Entry sandstone. The house’s Colonial Revival touches include a pedimented projecting center portion, flanked by gable dormers, and a jerkinhead gable roof. The two-story bay window on the side and the two-level balustraded porch across the front, as well as the use of a dark stone, reflected its late-19th-century origins.
Buildings by Donald M. Scott in the Copper Country
- “Laurium Booming,” Copper Country Evening News, 24 August 1900.