by A. K. Hoagland
Architect: Derrick Hubert
Location: 48475 Maple Drive, Dollar Bay
Built: 1914-15
Contractor: John J. Michels; F. W. Stoyle, plumbing; Peninsula Heating Co., heating; Edward Nelson Electrical Co. of Green Bay, electrical; Carlton Hardware Co., galvanized iron ventilation system1

Built at a cost of $65,000, the Dollar Bay High School was clad in a buff brick made in Ripley, trimmed with Jacobsville sandstone. The building measured 140’ x 90’, with a 55’ x 30’ projecting boiler room in the rear. The building is three stories tall on a high basement. On the upper floors, the two-story windows separated by pilasters indicate the assembly hall. There are two handsome entrances and the building is crowned with a parapet. When built, it was called “one of the most modern school houses in the state.”2
Buildings by Derek Hubert in the Copper Country
- Michigan Contractor and Builder 7, No. 49 (23 May 1914), 1; 7, No. 52 (13 June 1914), 12; 8, No. 12 (5 September 1914), 12; 8, No. 15 (26 September 1914), 9.
- Michigan Contractor and Builder 7, No. 52 (13 June 1914), 12.