by Kiel Vanderhovel and Derek Dykens.
Architect: Shand & Eastman
Location: 8th and Oak Streets, Calumet
Alternate Name: St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
Built: 1903-081

Slovenians separated from Sacred Heart Church in Calumet Township to form their own congregation, called St. Joseph’s. In 1903 they replaced their frame structure built in 1889 with this magnificent Jacobsville sandstone twin-towered church. The Romanesque Revival style is seen in the round arches of the openings and the rough-faced sandstone. Buttresses support the side walls, which are interrupted slightly by the transepts. Architect Paul Humphrey Macneil designed the interior.2 The largest and grandest of the churches in Calumet, the church was renamed St. Paul the Apostle in the late 1960s when several other congregations closed their churches and joined together at St. Paul’s.
Buildings by Charles K. Shand in the Copper Country
- Edward Ryan Block 1898
- Red Jacket Village Fire Hall 1899
- Calumet Opera House and Village Hall Addition 1900
- Bollman Block 1900
- Tamarack Hospital 1900
- Edward F. Cuddihy House 1901
- Lake Linden Village Hall 1902
- Walz Block 1902
- Foley Building and Murphy Building 1903
- Lutey Floral Co. Building 1903
- Contract with Shand & Eastman is in the church’s files.
- “With Builders in Metropolis,” Daily Mining Gazette, 1 June 1907. “Dedication of Fine Church a Notable Event,” Calumet News, 29 June 1908.